Your contribution helps us supply children in need in Georgetown County with new clothes, shoes, dental care, and more. Minimum donation is $10.00 please fill in the form below to submit your donation:

The Impact Your Donation Makes
How your donation helps the children!!
Over $1.6 million dollars have been spent on local Georgetown County children over the past fifteen years. 300 children are smiling brighter because of your generosity with critical orthodontic care. Over 4400 children have new clothing, some because of house fires, others related to domestic violence and the majority due to living in poverty situations.
Why it matters?
The children are our future, and they are at the heart of our mission. Through no fault of their own they are living in poverty, and without our services they are at risk for poor school attendance, behavioral issues, bullying, low self-esteem, and poor academic performance.
Why We Need Your Help!
St. Christopher’s Children provides a valuable resource to the community and without your donations our services would be reduced to those that need it most. We need community partners who are Interested, Committed and Engaged to help generate long term organizational funding. We want to build a relationship with you which will help improve the lives of the impoverished in our community. Working together with you and our other nonprofit organizations we can make a difference.